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As the hub of the national K-12 computer science community, our goal is to expand, connect, and amplify the collective voice of the CSforALL movement. We are here to lift up the work of our members while creating meaningful connectivity to ensure alignment, collaboration, as well as resource and knowledge sharing.
Curriculum Providers
Workforce Development
Workforce Development members include industry leaders and corporate partners who often provide job placement services, career guidance, or skill development. These organizations include CodeCrew and funders such as the Kapor Center and Siegel Family Endowment.
Institutions of Higher Education
Institutions of Higher Education include universities and colleges, individual departments of a university, or even teacher preparation programs, like the CSEveryone Center for Computer Science Education at the University of Florida or UTeach Computer Science at the University of Texas at Austin.
Out-of-School Time Providers
Out-of-School Time Providers include any organization that offers programming or activities related to computer science education to students outside of the typical school day or classroom setting. These include organizations such as The Hidden Genius Project and Upward Bound.
Researchers are currently the only individual-level membership type and include researchers from various organizations including WestEd.
Schools and School Districts
Schools and school districts play a vital part in the CSforALL ecosystem; join hundreds of other schools and districts like Deer Valley Unified School District in Arizona and Wiseburn Unified School District in California.
CSforALL encourages organizations to contribute to the advancement of computer science education as members.
*Researcher members are the only individual membership level.
Membership Benefits
Unlock a depth of opportunities as a member of our computer science education community. Network with passionate individuals, share your expertise, and stay informed about the latest trends and innovations.

Curriculum Providers
Gain exposure to a wider audience while utilizing CSforALL’s data and research to inform curriculum development and improve teaching practices.
Workforce Development
Attend networking events across member types to exchange resources, advocate for policies to support CS education on the state and national level, and discuss the funding landscape.
Institutions of Higher Education
Engage with institutions of higher learning, including Teacher Preparation programs to cultivate, empower, and support the growth and success of future CS educators.
Out-of-School Time Providers
Connect with a network of passionate professionals and advocates through virtual meetups to discuss trends, challenges, and success to increase student engagement.
Exchange evidence-based practices and submit findings to inform broadening participation across the CS education landscape.
Schools and School Districts
Access a vast library of curriculum and lesson plans certified to national computer science standards and other resources to support your teaching.
Alt text: Photo of four smiling attendees at the 2024 CSforALL Summit in front of a blue background
Member Spotlights
As a national nonprofit focused on increasing awareness around CS education, CSforALL takes every opportunity to highlight and feature our members and the incredible work they are doing in their communities.
Questions about Membership? Contact us at

In September 2022, CSforALL was awarded a National Science Foundation (NSF) grant to launch a new Broadening Participation in Computing (BPC) Alliance focused leveraging their membership across the United States to make systemic change resulting in student level outcomes. CSforALL aims to go beyond access, increasing the capacity of members by serving as a national network, resource, and field catalyst resulting in opportunities for standards-complete pathways for students underrepresented such as girls, Black students, and Latine students from K-12 through career.
Mission & Goals
The CSforALL Alliance aims to foster equitable CS education by raising awareness of inclusive practices, building member capacity towards broadening participation in computing, and using data to assess impact.
The CSforALL Alliance Goals are:
- Raise awareness & connect our members
- Build local capacity
- Leverage member actions to create a data landscape of BPC impacts
Alliance Spotlights

Highlight of BPC Member Impacts
CSforALL Alliance Researchers Feature Article: Leveraging the Knowledge Base: How CSforALL Researcher Members Take Action Towards Broadening Participation in Computing
- A Field Catalyst Approach to Systems Change in K-12 CS Education
- Nudging the Field Towards Justice-Oriented Goals: Committing to CS Education, Coming 2025
- Catalyzing the Computer Science Education Community to Commit to Justice, Coming 2025
Leadership Team
- Alexis Cobo, Ed.D. Principal Investigator, CSforALL.
- Aleata Hubbard Cheuoua, PhD. Evaluator, Principal Investigator, WestEd.
- Jen Tsan, PhD. Evaluator, WestEd.
Contact Information
For more information about the CSforALL Alliance, please feel free to contact us at

Funding for the CSforALL Alliance is provided through Grant No. #2216614 and #2417779 by the National Science Foundation. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this presentation are those of the CSforALL Alliance and do not necessarily represent the views of the National Science Foundation.