Bootstrap:Algebra applies mathematical concepts and rigorous programming principles to creating a simple video game, and is aligned to National and State Standards for Mathematics, as well as the CSTA standards and K12CS frameworks. The module can be taught as a separate, standalone tech or CS class, or can be integrated into a mainstream math class, delivered by a math teacher with no prior CS experience. In Bootstrap:Algebra, students create a simple, 3-character game involving a player, a target and a danger. They design what each character looks like, and use mathematical concepts such as coordinate planes, order of operations, ratio and proportion, Domain and Range, function composition, word problems and the distance formula to detect collisions, handle keystrokes, and determine how they move and interact. In addition to learning programming, students who take Bootstrap:Algebra have shown improvement on standard, pencil-and-paper algebra tasks.
Lessons from this curriculum can be applied to math classes ranging from elementary to high school, and can be used as advanced material for younger students or remedial material for struggling learners.